2013 Long Ride Begins
Hello everyone
Just a short mailing here to let you know about my ride which is soon to begin.
Firstly, thanks so much to those that recently made some heady contributions to the ride. The help has been huge and has made the possibility of my starving to death along the way pretty much a non-issue.
I'll be heading out next Wednesday, all willing, and will start my ride from my friends Heidi and David's place near Pincher Creek heading north into the Porcupine Hills. I have a very strong feeling that I will delve even deeper into non-linearity with this trip, it being so clear that the movement is about connection to place, the shifting of time awareness, stillness. Of course I know well that there will also be days of exhaustion and frustration, my main goal to always pay close attention to my and most importantly, my horses', instincts. Everyone is in good health. I shall try to post photos of us in a month's time when we will look like olympic athletes!
I like to post in my blog now and then as I travel to let people know around where I am and some of the thoughts spinning around my head. At first I thought that a few friends and family member were reading the blog and that is for whom I was posting for the most part and then in the middle of last summer I realised that there were THOUSANDS of hits. I still don't fully believe it thinking that it was probably a friend or two with time on their hands screwing around with me. But who knows.
The blog is fiain-skuld.blogspot.ca
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested.
My web site fiain.ca has information on my work and focus of which my rides are an integral part. I have quite a bit of audio and video bits up there.
If you would like to lend support to the ride please go to studiofiain.blogspot.ca/p/support.html
Down the road
I have plans to put together a solo performance show after this year's ride that will include new music, projected video and imagery, hanging set pieces costumes etc. It'll be nice to have some time to think on this over the next few months.
Cheers, best thoughts and wishes