
The Sun and the Wind - Going North Fundraising Campaign

Note: when you go to the paypal donation page and you see 'Fiain' at the top, you are at the right place! 
Thanks so much to everyone that contributed to my indiegogo fundraising campaign. Though I didn't manage to raise the full amount that I was searching for I did get enough contributions to get the trip going. I probably won't make my way all the way to the Yukon (but of course, one never knows) as there are financial logistics with the horses at the north end, but the plan it to still to ride for 5 months but in a more circular route that will bring my back to CoCo's home in SW Alberta in the autumn.

Many thanks to Samantha Whelan (and her kids Nora and Katie Kotkas), Geraldine Eguiluz, Futaba Niekawa, Bill Carslake, Anyssa Neuman, Jess Harding , Rosabel Choi, Elisse Kleiner, Alex Le, Isa Woefel, Peter Poole, Jane Bateman, Shirley Hunt, Sara Porter, Stacie Dunlop, Kerry Duwors, Brenda Sullivan, Patricia Lyons, Isabel Baker, M. Boutlier, Michael and Ruth Hood, Katherine Dowling, Sarah McMahon, Isabel Baker, Terri Hron, Fumi Sakamoto Hill, Jane Parkinson, Nan Hughes, Suzanne Snyder, Heidi Eijgel, David Glass ... for helping out!
There's no way this ride would be happening without you!

Thanks also to: 
The Banff Roasting Company for the green beans and best wishes!
The Banff Centre,:
Sally Borden Climbing Gym folks who donated climbing ropes that were no longer useful to them but VERY useful to me for picketing my horses.
Paul D Fleck Library and Archives. A special thanks to Christy Nichols who works at the library for her help with getting research materials through the inter-library load system.
Rachel, Bonnie & Chad at the Banff Centre Mail Room/Print Shop.
Outfitters Supply for the generous discount on some equipment purchases.
Muddy Creek Rain Gear for the sweet discount on a long coat so I can stay dry this go around. At the end of my 2012 ride, a decent rain coat was at the top of my list after almost going hypothermic in an oil cloth coat one cold rainy august day in the Porcupine Hills.
A special thanks surely must go to CuChullaine and Bash O'Reilly of The Long Riders' Guild for their advice, help and encouragement all these years. I was awarded full membership in the guild at the end of my ride in 2012. A great honour to be included amongst such a grand bunch!

Continuing fundraising throughout the ride
At this stage, I have pretty much all the bits of new equipment that I need for the ride but I'm still a little short on money for food and other supplies en route. It is still possible to contribute through this support page.  The 'Donate' button below will take you to my own personal Paypal donation site if you'd like to make a contribution.
Cheers! and all the best - Catherine April  2013

can be made safely through Paypal by using the Paypal button above. Note: when you go to the paypal donation page and you see 'Fiain' at the top, you are at the right place!  If you would like to make a donation with some other method, such as by cheque, please let me know by email and I will send you an address. Besides being deeply appreciated, all donors will be thanked and mentioned on the 'support' page of my website. Requests for anonymity will of course be respected.

2012 thanks on the go...
David Glass and Heidi Eijgel for so much support! I would not be getting back to Grasslands without their help and it goes much further including latting me take one of their horses with me along with their general enthusiasm and faith in this project;

Thanks to 2012 Ride Donators - Many thanks to Brent Stanley, Tamara Berstein, Celina Carrol, Ruth and Michael Hood, Chris Benz, Andrew Asa ...
Day 1 near Craik - Violet; Brownlee - Pat and Stan Williams; Pelican Lake - Terry and Jackie Leggot, Chantal and Grant Devine, Chris and Lyle Benz (over and over!), Grant who lives on the corner near the Devine's place; Mortlach - the kids and teachers at Mortlach School, Charlie Smith, Andrea Hancock, Gwenda Perrier, Lois and Clayton Jack, the ladies at the Mortlach Museum; Al Austin, Monica Popow, Cees & Carlien Brouwer, Brent Richmond; Gravelbourg - Roland & Dianne Boyer, the staff at Cafe Paris Gravelbourg; Mankota- Margaret and Dave, Melida; Wideview - Kyla Kohl,
2012 Ride Donations - Many thanks to Brent Stanley, Tamara Berstein, Celina Carrol, Ruth and Michael Hood...
Phase 2 2011 Donations - Thanks a million to Mathieu Rouquie, Luciane Cardassi & Ruth and Michael Hood - their donations went towards the purchase of my pack horse, Nahanni. Nahanni is amazing and I am so grateful for the help; and Mark Gianelloni of Longwood Sutlery ( for the donation of a lovely Stainless Steel Bullseye Canteen and a couple of cutlery sets. Thanks to Chris Benz for donating board for Nahanni, a huge help!
Phase 1 2011 Donations Thank you SO much for your help with this important part of my project! I am also noting how each donation was used.
Pack saddle w/ steel adjustable arches from Custom Pack Rigging - Jennifer Trouton, Doug Androsoff, Luciane Cardassi
Horse purchase (Dakota, pictured below) - Marie Hron, Ruth Hood, Michael Hood. Thanks to Chris Benz of Trails End Guest Ranch for support with boarding, teaching me sa that I wouldn't end up dead and for not charging me as much as she should have for Dakota!
Special thanks also to Black and Blue Dance Projects, Chris & Lyle Benz of Trails End Guest Ranch, Basha and CuChullaine O'Reily of The Long Riders Guild for their invaluable guidance. Len Brown's Inovations, David Glass & Heidi Eijgel and as always my mom, Madeline Thompson, who has been supporting me for a really long time!.
Thank you to those that have attended and contributed funds around my many fundraising concerts as well as general donations over the years. (If you have attended one of these events or made a donation and don't see you name, first, appologies and second PLEASE let me know and I will add it to the list:
David Dunbar, Madeline Thompson, Susanna Hood, Ruth Hood, Michael Hood, Michael Thompson, Janis Cadieux, Natasha Tavares,Marian Wihak, Tedd Robinson, Mieko Kanno, Fred Harylew, Kate Alton, Karen bell, Sasha Ivanochko, Joseph Arsenoult, Tamara Bernstein, Oriole Burton, Phillip Cairns, Patricia Lyons, Denis Daley, Raynald Desmeules, Emily Eng, Jennifer Gilmore, Mercedes Gomez, Barbara Ennis, Mathew Hart, Beth & Peter Powning, Donald Martin, Grace Miyagawa, Julia Moulden, Kerry Peacock, Boo Watson, Sandor Adzenstadt, Vince Soars, Kate St. Aubin, Brenda Sullivan, Laura Thomas, Rob & Norma Thompson, Julie Zwillich, Edwin Huizinga, Andrea Langford

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