Thanks a million for the generous contributions and good wishes that so many have sent out. The response to all this has been very encouraging and, of course, will be incredibly helpful.
There's just over two more days to go before the !!September 14!! end of the campaign and I could use just a bit more help to reach my goal.
If you'd like to read more about my dream of getting my instrument and music making studio/workshop in the north of Thailand off the ground… and perhaps even make a contribution, please make your way to:
I hope this finds you all well and happy and I beg supreme forgiveness for this (and all the other) intrusion(s).
It'll be my last send-out in connection with this massive begging effort, thanks be to God. (let's finally face facts and call it what it is!)
With the help of all this incredible help and goodwill, it's looking as though I will truly be able to live my grand dream of sitting around on a big hill banging on pieces of wood not knowing quite exactly what anyone around me is saying.
Cheers and happy almost no more summer and yet the autumn is so nice and fresh in southern Canada except in southern alberta where we have just got over a big two-day freeze and snow storm.